Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Holy Eucharist 2021

This coming Sunday we will be celebrating in the church the Solemnity of Corpus Christi the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

I would like to begin by saying just a line that we all pray just before we receive Holy Communion, the priest will say behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world, and we in return say, and I want you to listen to the words because we say it all the time, and I am a firm believer that we just don't listen to what we're saying. We say Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but, only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.

One of the beautiful components of this feast day is the fact that Jesus himself sits down and has a meal with us. If you look at the gospels, Jesus seems to eat his way through them. He loves a gathering, he loves to sit down with people. And why, because when we're at the table, we let down all our walls, we can talk freely, food does that. 

That meal we call Eucharist or holy communion. It is a time at Mass where we listen to the word of God coming to us from sacred scripture and trying to put that into practice, with the help and the aid of the priest who offers his homily on a particular subject, this week it will be on Eucharist. And the most significant thing in the readings is the gospel this Sunday, Jesus is speaking about the Eucharist.

Personally the more we partake of the Sacred Meal at the Sacred Table the Altar of God, we become each time more and more like Jesus. As Jesus said he who eats my body and drinks my blood will have everlasting life.

Now, I don't know about you, but I believe that this is an awesome statement from Jesus himself. The more you eat my body the more you drink my blood I will be in you and you will be in me. When we look at that statement it refers to what we commonly call Common- Union where we all become one with Jesus at the table of the Lord. 

Sometimes it's made so difficult to understand and yet it's very simple Jesus becomes himself on the altar and feeds us so that we in turn feed others by the example and love prescribed in the scriptures that Jesus talks about himself.

So the question I would like to ask people is to meditate on what it means, to be with others at a sacred meal receiving Jesus in his Eucharistic form. And, that all of us including Jesus we become one with him as a communion of friendship.

Peace and all good,
Brother Ed