Thursday, June 24, 2021


 “Faith begins from believing that we are not enough for ourselves, from feeling in need of God. When we overcome the temptation to close ourselves off, when we overcome the false religiosity that does not want to disturb God, when we cry out to him, he can work wonders in us. It is the gentle and extraordinary power of prayer, which works miracles.”

Pope Francis

Happy St John the Baptist day!

Today's Gospel remembering John the baptist, says something very clearly to me and I hope it resins with all of you. Like all parents they wonder what their child will be, who will they become, what will they do in their life? Like you, and like me, our parents said the same thing, and look where you are, look where you're going, look at the gifts you share with others as John the Baptist shared with the people of God at the time of the baptism of Jesus.

Please, today, reflect on who you are and how you became who you are in your life. And how are you reflecting the gospel to others, I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir. 😊

Again many blessings on each of you on this awesome Feast of St John the Baptist.

Brother Ed Arambasich, OFM